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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allpages gapcontinue="Red_Cape" />
      <page pageid="713" ns="0" title="Recipe Book">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">&lt;iteminfo name=&quot;Recipe Book&quot;/&gt;
==Basic Information==
Book containing all the recipes of all the craftable items in Craftland.
== Recipe ==
&lt;recipe name=&quot;Recipe Book&quot;/&gt;

Can also be obtained by using the &quot;/book&quot; command.
      <page pageid="1976" ns="0" title="Red Aercloud">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">&lt;iteminfo name=&quot;Red Aercloud&quot;/&gt;
== Aercloud Information ==
This cloud acts similarly to the [[Cold Aercloud]], [[Navy Aercloud]], [[Green Aercloud]], [[Purple Aercloud]], [[Gold Aercloud]] and [[Lime Aercloud]]s.
Entities will sink 1 block down, into the aercloud; items will do the same. If you fall onto the aercloud you and all other entities will not take fall damage.

== Methods to obtain this Aercloud ==
There are only 2 ways to obtain this Aercloud.
* Exchanging 10 VotePoints for 32 of the cloud at /warp voteshop.

* A common drop from [[Boss Fights]].