
From Craftland Minecraft Aether Server
Revision as of 15:19, 18 March 2018 by Diamgamingwtf (Talk | contribs)

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Player Since 19th of December 2013
(18th of June 2012)
Rank Moderator
Status Active
Time Zone British Summer Time (BST)/GMT
Lives in The United Kingdom
Favourite Pages I've Worked On
1 Shadow Skylands
2 Deepvale
3 Craftland Wiki
Some Hobbies
  • Programming (HTML, Java etc.)
  • Gaming (LoL, CL etc.)
  • Watching Stuff (Anime, YT etc.)
  • Sleeping (Self-Explanatory)
why u so hostile tho xd
Legit 7 fucking months later, what is wrong with you?

Basic Information about Beandon

  • Nickname: Beandon
  • MC Name: _Beandon_ / DiamGamingWTF
  • Highest Balance: 31,534,539 ¢
  • Store Warp: /warp YeOleRandom and /warp YeOleRandomGlass
  • Rank: Moderator (Promoted on the 29th of January 2018), No Lifer and Premium IV
    • Helper Promotion: 10th of September 2017.
    • First Region: "no-mans-land" for MaskedRPM in the Aether.
    • First Warn: Firehammer100 for spamming.
    • First Auto-Ban: Sheepsheepp for spamming.
    • First Ban: XXX for Griefing and Stealing items.
My current ingame skin as of October 2017

  • First player to kill 1000 Sliders and receive the Bronze Knight V achievement.
  • First player to reach level 1200 in Mining.
  • First player to obtain the Holy Miner VI achievement.
  • First player to get a First Mate\'s CutlassFirst Mate's Cutlass.
  • Came first place in the Halloween Costume Contest 2017.

An important thing, I will not be playing most Saturdays because me and Saya have agreed its a no craftland day to spend more time together doing other things :3

Some other info about Beandon

I am a college student located within the United Kingdom. I am taking a L3 Software Development course and am currently passing with flying colours (My first year being graded highest at D*D*). I started playing Minecraft back in Year 5 (When I was 10 years old) when the game was purchased for me by a friend named Rome. He purchased my first account, Brandonjones3000, which is now named Brandon_Jones and is being used by my girlfriend, Saya. I used this account on a few servers that I enjoyed, one of these servers being called "CityWars". CityWars was a class and city server solely focused around joining cities, earning money with classes and trading, making your own city and going to war to conquer others. I had played this server for a good 5 years before it shut down and the developers decided to create their own game based on the exact same thing.

I used to own a minecraft server (Herobrine Realms (Yes I know, it's bad)) with the highest player count being 50 with around 30 loyal players online during the daytime, I shut down the server a few years ago due to a few indecisive mistakes on my part and I didn't want to put people through it. The server was custom coded with a class system (Inspired from CityWars), had a good multiverse system in place and a certain item inspired from Craftland (Perfect DiamondPerfect Diamond). After the server was shut down I still decided to do java programming on my own private server which me and my friends still played on from time to time and created a load of custom items from the vanilla game, crafting grids etc..

I am now a Moderator on Craftland and an active contributor to the Craftland wikipedia and will continue to contribute until I give up or get bored.


  • Girlfriend: Saya.
  • Close Friends: Mystery, GoldGamingWTF and UbrezBlue.
  • Brother: ButterCraftEco.
  • Users I dislike: Nox, Hades, Damien, Kye, VepaS, Furious, Estato, TilT, Jaybino, Lucipo, Nozy, SecondStandard, Trico_Everfire and Beandon

Why hide crap if it will inevitably be found out?
But I think it's safe to say I dislike a lot of users on here and would be more than happy to ban their asses.


I'm a socially akward bronyweeb. Favourite anime being Monster Musume and favourite ponies being Fluttershy, Derpy Hooves and Luna. I also hate ignorance, arrogance, cockiness and people who troll.


Random Images

Some random images idk ._.

350 witches having a brawl Log in and win No lifer yeee Holy Miner VI yeee Pls Why did I put this here? Because I'm happy I got this far in that cancerous game Uhhhh Bannable strat btw Nicely done New admin? kappa