Boss Spawner

From Craftland Minecraft Aether Server
Revision as of 21:54, 13 May 2016 by Pig001 (Talk | contribs)

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Boss Spawner
Inactive Boss Spawner
Boss Spawner
Active Boss Spawner

The Boss Spawner is located in the servers Arena, setup by the servers Staff team. Here, you can fight one of currently 6 different bosses.


See Boss Fights for information on actual bosses and their respective battles.


The spawner is animated. Three layers of 4 wither skeletons skulls are slowly turning. When the cooldown is over you can see a flame inside of the spawner and the wither skulls start turning faster. When the boss is spawning, a circle-like particle effect surrounds the spawner, disappearing after a few seconds, when the boss is spawned.

How to spawn the Boss

When the Boss Spawner is active you must throw vanilla Minecraft items (Not Aether/Greycliff exclusive items) into it and it will consume it. If a player throws 3 diamond blocks into it then the boss will instantly spawn and no more items are required to be thrown in.


After the boss is killed there is a Cooldown, the Cooldown can be anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours depending on the amount of people there. The more people that are within a 40 block radius of the spawner the less the less cooldown will be.

"The number of players to the power of 3 reduces the cooldown time" - Nidefawl