Apprentice Region
From Craftland Minecraft Aether Server
[hide]This information is Outdated
The Apprentice region was removed over a year ago =
Apprentice Region is the area you are spawn upon your first visit.
Upon your unique visit, you will be spawned in the apprentice region, confronted with a list of rules to read and follow.
When you exit the small room, a list of ranks with their corresponding colors will be on the left of you.
If you lost yourself on the server and want to go back to that region simply type /warp beginner
Rules (Copied from How to join)
Notice that griefers will be watched and banned!
- Do not take things out of people's chests
- Do not take anything of people's homes
- Do not create/destroy blocks of people's homes
- Do not try to kill other players (through pushing them off high places, throwing lava on them, or pvp outside of the arena)
- Do not go into people's homes, buildings or cities unless the owner has invited you in or it says it is a public building.
- You have no reason to be in someone's house unless the owner is there and has told you that you may be there for some reason.
- Don't create public warps that kill people when they go to it.
- Please be nice and respectful to others.
- Try to watch your language. I know people say curse words a lot and we try not to bother people about it, but it really is not necessary to use such words. This includes the extensive use of CAPS!!
- Do not spam public or private chat messages. Once or twice is okay, but you don't need to say it 5 times for people to see it.
- Do not get yourself into trouble with others. If you get into an argument with someone, please try to resolve it in a civilized, and peaceful manner. If the problem is not able to be resolved, a moderator or admin may have to solve it for you.
- Don't lock chests or furnaces for others unless you know them personally.
- Do not steal someone's items when they die
- Don't beg mods for items or money, this will result in a temporary ban
- Do not Use x-ray!
- Obey Staff!
- Don't exploit bugs/glitches, report them instead.
- This is the only area you may build at before you have 1 hour of total (not just 1 hour straight) play time, type /played to see your progress. Away from keyboard/Idle time does not count towards this, you are marked idle after 5 minutes of inactivity.
- It is reset every Tuesday, so building a home, storing valuables, ect. is not advised for an extended amount of time.
- You will be notified upon leaving apprentice region. It is also boxed in with bedrock.
- You can explore outside the region, you may not build or destroy. You can do /warp aether to go to the aether and look around there.