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Hats can be bought from the shop (http://craftland.org/#shop). Hats bought from the store have a chance of being unusual and having an effect. The Viking Hat, which can not be bought from the store, is now obtainable from Boss Fights (Version 5.0). The Hat called ID:456 is a broken hat that the Valkyrie Queen drops in Silver Dungeons, it used to be a Valkyrie Head hat. Super bosses spawn with a random hat on their heads that hat as a 10% chance of being a unusual hat which has an effect.

Unusual effects

Wither Skeleton skulls

Skeleton skulls

Creeper Heads

Rotating item

Rotating head




Rotating Zombie heads



Hat Image Hat Name Creator Description
4corners thumb.png 4 Corners
Abrahamlincolnhat thumb.png Abraham Lincoln Hat
Aerwhale thumb.png Aerwhale
Afk thumb.png Afk
Akasutimask thumb.png Akasuti Mask
Angelring thumb.png Angelring
Applehat thumb.png Apple Hat
Arrowedtophat thumb.png Arrowed Top Hat
Arrowhead thumb.png Arrow Head
Ashscap thumb.png Ash's Cap
Astronauthat thumb.png Astronaut Hat
Australianminecart thumb.png Australian Minecart
Axehead thumb.png Axe Head
Bills thumb.png Bills
Bird blue thumb.png Blue Bird
Bird brown thumb.png Brown Bird
Bird pink thumb.png Pink Bird
Bird white thumb.png White Bird
Blackbeard thumb.png Black Beard
Blackjester thumb.png Black Jester
Blacksanta thumb.png Black Santa
Blacksantasack thumb.png Black Santa Sack
Blondebeard thumb.png Blonde Beard
Bluebeard thumb.png Blue Beard
Bluemohawk thumb.png Blue Mohawk
Blueswet thumb.png Blue Swet
Breadfishhat thumb.png Bread Fish Hat
Brownbeard thumb.png Brown Beard
Brownmohawk thumb.png Brown Mohawk
Bsod thumb.png Bsod
Busfish thumb.png Bus Fish
Cactusbeard thumb.png Cactus Beard
Cagehat thumb.png Cage Hat
Cake thumb.png Cake
Cakehat thumb.png Cake Hat
Candle thumb.png Candle
Candybeard thumb.png Candy Beard
Cap thumb.png Cap
Catearsblack thumb.png Cat Ears Black
Catearsorange thumb.png Cat Ears Orange
Catearswhite thumb.png Cat Ears White
Catinthehat thumb.png Cat in the Hat
Checkeredtophat thumb.png Checkered Top Hat
Cheesehat thumb.png Cheese Hat
Chest thumb.png Chest
Chinesehat thumb.png Chinese Hat
Chipuk thumb.png Chipuk
Cieronph thumb.png Cieronph
Computer thumb.png Computer
Coolpartyhat thumb.png Cool Party Hat
Cowboy thumb.png Cowboy
Cowmask thumb.png Cow Mask
Craftlandlogo thumb.png Craftland Logo
Crawling hand thumb.png Crawling Hand
Crown thumb.png Crown
Curvedhornscrystal thumb.png Curved Horns Crystal
Curvedhornsorange thumb.png Curved Horns Orange
Curvedhornsred thumb.png Curved Horns Red
Dalekhat thumb.png Dalek Hat
Dianciehat thumb.png Diancie Hat
Direwolf20 thumb.png Direwolf20
Duckhunthat thumb.png Duckhunt Hat
Easteregg thumb.png Easter Egg
Eeveeears black thumb.png Eevee Ears Black
Eeveeears blue thumb.png Eevee Ears Blue
Eeveeears brown thumb.png Eevee Ears Brown
Eeveeears green thumb.png Eevee Ears Green
Eeveeears orange thumb.png Eevee Ears Orange
Eeveeears pink thumb.png Eevee Ears Pink
Eeveeears purple thumb.png Eevee Ears Purple
Eeveeears red thumb.png Eevee Ears Red
Eeveeears white thumb.png Eevee Ears White
Eeveeears yellow thumb.png Eevee Ears Yellow
Encouragement thumb.png Encouragement
Enderchest thumb.png Ender Chest
Enderdragonhat thumb.png Enderdragon Hat
Facehugger thumb.png Face Hugger
Fedora thumb.png Fedora
Festiveafro thumb.png Festive Afro
Fez thumb.png Fez
Fezsideways thumb.png Fez Sideways
Fishermanhat thumb.png Fisherman Hat
Flatcap thumb.png Flat Cap
Flyingpenguin thumb.png Flying Penguin
Flyingpighat thumb.png Flying Pig
Flyingpika thumb.png Flying Pika
Foamfinger thumb.png Foam Finger
Fourcorners thumb.png Four Corners
Frankenstein thumb.png Frankenstein
Fridgeboy thumb.png Fridgeboy
Froghat thumb.png Frog Hat
Ghastlygibus thumb.png Ghastlygibus
Glassbeard thumb.png Glass Beard
Gloveworld thumb.png Glove World
Goldenswet thumb.png Golden Swet
Goldenturkeyhat thumb.png Golden Turkey
Goldore thumb.png Gold Ore
Goldrush thumb.png Gold Rush
Goofyglasses thumb.png Goofy Glasses
Grassbeard thumb.png Grass Beard
Greenbeard thumb.png Green Beard
Greenmohawk thumb.png Green Mohawk
Hardhat thumb.png Hard Hat
Hatpants thumb.png Hat Pants
Headcrab thumb.png Head Crab
Headphones thumb.png Headphones
Helicopterhat thumb.png Helipoter Hat
Hissinghat thumb.png Hissing Hat
Hoopahorns thumb.png Hoopa Horns
Hotdog thumb.png Hotdog
Hungryzombie thumb.png Hungry Zombie
Ichun thumb.png Ichun
Irongolemhat thumb.png Iron Golem Hat
Jarobrain thumb.png Jar-o-Brain
Jester thumb.png Jester
Jirachi thumb.png Jirachi
Joltik thumb.png Joltik
Kingpanda thumb.png King Panda
Lavabeard thumb.png Lava Beard
Leafbeard thumb.png Leaf Beard
Legohat thumb.png Lego Hat
Leprechaunhat thumb.png Leprechaun Hat
Lose eye thumb.png Lose Eye
Lucariohat thumb.png Lucario Hat
Marxglasses thumb.png Marx Glasses
Mau5head thumb.png Mau5head
Megaevolution thumb.png Mega Evolution
Minerhat thumb.png Miner Hat
Miniminecart thumb.png Mini Minecart
Moaheaddeath thumb.png Death Moa Head
Moaheadfloral thumb.png Floral Moa Head
Modjamhat thumb.png Modjam Hat
Monocle thumb.png Monocle
Mooshroomhat thumb.png Mooshroom Hat
Mr.bubbles thumb.png Mr.Bubbles
Mr.haz thumb.png Mr.Haz
Mr.t thumb.png Mr.T
Mudkip thumb.png Mudkip
Musketeer thumb.png Musketeer
Narwhal thumb.png Narwhal
Nide-in-a-box thumb.png Nide-In-A-Box
Norwegianflag thumb.png Norwegian Flag
Nyanhat thumb.png Nyan Hat
Olimarhat thumb.png Olimar Hat
Orangebeard thumb.png Orange Beard
Overdose thumb.png Overdose
Pahihat thumb.png Pahi Hat
Pandamask thumb.png Panda Mask
Partyhat thumb.png Party Hat
Penguinhat thumb.png Penguin Hat
Pickaxeinhead thumb.png Pickaxe in Head
Pighat thumb.png Pig Hat
Pikachumask thumb.png Pikachu Mask
Pilgrim thumb.png Pilgrim
Pinkafro thumb.png Pink Afro
Pinkbeard thumb.png Pink Beard
Pistontop thumb.png Piston Top
Ponytailblack thumb.png Ponytail Black
Ponytailblonde thumb.png
Ponytailbrown thumb.png
Poolhat thumb.png
Popcorn thumb.png
Present thumb.png
Princesshat thumb.png
Pumpkinhat thumb.png
Raccoonhat thumb.png
Rainbowbeard thumb.png
Rainbowpig thumb.png
Raven leader thumb.png
Raven member thumb.png
Redstonershat thumb.png
Reindeerhat thumb.png
Rollercoaster thumb.png
Santa thumb.png
Santasack thumb.png
Santasbeard thumb.png
Shroomhat thumb.png
Skyrimhat thumb.png
Slidehatthing thumb.png
Slidereye thumb.png
Slimecube thumb.png
Slimehat thumb.png
Snailhat thumb.png
Snorkelmask thumb.png
Sodatop thumb.png
Solarhelmet thumb.png
Sombero thumb.png
Spacecorehat thumb.png
Spawnerhat thumb.png
Spinda mask thumb.png
Squid thumb.png
Stainlesspot thumb.png
Steampunkgoggles thumb.png
Stetson brown thumb.png
Stetson pink thumb.png
Stetson tan thumb.png
Strawhat thumb.png
Sunglasses thumb.png
Sylveonears thumb.png
Takeonebowl thumb.png
Tardis thumb.png
Tentacool thumb.png
Tetrishat thumb.png
Thewariomustache thumb.png
Togepi mask thumb.png
Tophat thumb.png
Toweringpillarofhats thumb.png
Trailmixmascot thumb.png
Treehat thumb.png
Troll thumb.png
Turkeyhat thumb.png
Turtlehat thumb.png
Unicorn thumb.png
Unicornfriends thumb.png
Universepumpkin thumb.png
Ushanka thumb.png
Valkyriehead thumb.png
Vikinghat thumb.png
Volcanianring thumb.png
Vomit thumb.png
Wandhat thumb.png
Warlockhat thumb.png
Waterbeard thumb.png
Web afro thumb.png
Whiteafro thumb.png
Wig thumb.png
Witches broom thumb.png
Witchhat thumb.png
Witchnose thumb.png
Wizardhat thumb.png
Wolfhat thumb.png
Wolfmask thumb.png
Woodhat thumb.png
Yellowafro thumb.png