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Mycena is a plant that generates randomly underground within the Mining World. If the player comes into contact with this plant it will burst and give all nearby players a Mining Fatigue effect. If the player has already got this effect and its remaining time is more than 3:00 minutes, this effect will be upgraded to Mining Fatigue II, so on and so forth. This plant exists to annoy people who are trying to "mine out" the Mining World or to slow down people who unfortunately run into them during the Gold Rush event.

The effects of Mycena can be avoided by using Invisibility Potions.


There are two achievements involving the destruction of these plants:

  • MYCENA!!! (duh dun da deh duh!) - Destroy 10 Mycena (Rewarded with 5 TNTTNT and 1,000 Coins).
  • Loving the Poison - Destroy 100 Mycena (Rewarded with an Iron PickaxeIron Pickaxe, 32 CoalCoal, 5 RubyRuby, 5 TNTTNT and 1 DiamondDiamond).

How to Obtain

Mycena is unobtainable through any means.