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Hats can be bought from the shop (http://craftland.org/#shop). Hats bought from the store have a chance of being unusual and having an effect. The Viking Hat, which can not be bought from the store, is now obtainable from Boss Fights (Version 5.0). The Hat called ID:456 is a broken hat that the Valkyrie Queen drops in Silver Dungeons, it used to be a Valkyrie Head hat. Super bosses spawn with a random hat on their heads that hat as a 10% chance of being a unusual hat which has an effect.

Unusual effects

Wither Skeleton skulls

Skeleton skulls

Creeper Heads

Rotating item

Rotating head




Rotating Zombie heads



Hat Image Hat Name Creator Description
4corners thumb.png
Abrahamlincolnhat thumb.png
Aerwhale thumb.png
Afk thumb.png
Akasutimask thumb.png
Angelring thumb.png
Applehat thumb.png
Arrowedtophat thumb.png
Arrowhead thumb.png
Ashscap thumb.png
Astronauthat thumb.png
Australianminecart thumb.png
Axehead thumb.png
Bills thumb.png
Bird blue thumb.png
Bird brown thumb.png
Bird pink thumb.png
Bird white thumb.png
Blackbeard thumb.png
Blackjester thumb.png
Blacksanta thumb.png
Blacksantasack thumb.png
Blondebeard thumb.png
Bluebeard thumb.png
Bluemohawk thumb.png
Blueswet thumb.png
Breadfishhat thumb.png
Brownbeard thumb.png
Brownmohawk thumb.png
Bsod thumb.png
Busfish thumb.png
Cactusbeard thumb.png
Cagehat thumb.png
Cake thumb.png
Cakehat thumb.png
Candle thumb.png
Candybeard thumb.png
Cap thumb.png
Catearsblack thumb.png
Catearsorange thumb.png
Catearswhite thumb.png
Catinthehat thumb.png
Checkeredtophat thumb.png
Cheesehat thumb.png
Chest thumb.png
Chinesehat thumb.png
Chipuk thumb.png
Cieronph thumb.png
Computer thumb.png
Coolpartyhat thumb.png
Cowboy thumb.png
Cowmask thumb.png
Craftlandlogo thumb.png
Crawling hand thumb.png
Crown thumb.png
Curvedhornscrystal thumb.png
Curvedhornsorange thumb.png
Curvedhornsred thumb.png
Dalekhat thumb.png
Dianciehat thumb.png
Direwolf20 thumb.png
Duckhunthat thumb.png
Easteregg thumb.png
Eeveeears black thumb.png
Eeveeears blue thumb.png
Eeveeears brown thumb.png
Eeveeears green thumb.png
Eeveeears orange thumb.png
Eeveeears pink thumb.png
Eeveeears purple thumb.png
Eeveeears red thumb.png
Eeveeears white thumb.png
Eeveeears yellow thumb.png
Encouragement thumb.png
Enderchest thumb.png
Enderdragonhat thumb.png
Facehugger thumb.png
Fedora thumb.png
Festiveafro thumb.png
Fez thumb.png
Fezsideways thumb.png
Fishermanhat thumb.png
Flatcap thumb.png
Flyingpenguin thumb.png
Flyingpighat thumb.png
Flyingpika thumb.png
Foamfinger thumb.png
Fourcorners thumb.png
Frankenstein thumb.png
Fridgeboy thumb.png
Froghat thumb.png
Ghastlygibus thumb.png
Glassbeard thumb.png
Gloveworld thumb.png