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Line 283: Line 283:
         <td style="border-radius: 4px;">'''LWC Command''' - Protect the punched block with a public protection (Anyone in the region can access it).</td>
         <td style="border-radius: 4px;">'''LWC Command''' - Protect the punched block with a public protection (Anyone in the region can access it).</td>
         <td style="border-radius: 4px;">/cpublic</td>
         <td style="border-radius: 4px;">/cpublic</td>
<!-- CRASHME -->
    <tr style="padding-left:4px; background-color: rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.7); border-radius: 4px;">
        <td style="border-radius: 4px;"><mcitem name="Head"/>'''/crashme'''</td>
        <td style="border-radius: 4px;">  </td>
        <td style="border-radius: 4px; color:rgb(20,20,20);">  </td>
        <td style="border-radius: 4px; text-align: center;">[[Apprentice]]</td>
        <td style="border-radius: 4px;">Crash your game.</td>
        <td style="border-radius: 4px;">/crashme</td>
<!-- CREMOVE -->
<!-- CREMOVE -->

Revision as of 17:52, 23 May 2018

This table holds most of the available commands within Craftland.

  • Bare in mind this table excludes any commands that are seen as useless and/or broken.
Command Aliases Arguments Rank Description Usage
Gold Nugget/account <action> [action arguments] Apprentice Create, access and manage your bank accounts! /account withdraw Beandon 20000
Enchanted Book/achievements Apprentice View the achievements of Craftland within the Craftland Menu! /achievements
Enchanted Book/ach <page number|#id> Apprentice View the achievements that you own. /ach #120
Diamond Pickaxe/acrobatics Apprentice McMMO Command - View your Acrobatics skill progress and information! /acrobatics
Golden Sword/addxp <player> <skill> <xp> Administrator McMMO Command - Add some McMMO XP to a specified player's specified skill /addxp pig001 Mining 10
Command Block/admin [arguments] Administrator Admin command. /admin
Shop Chest/advertise [-flags] <warp id> (message) Premium III Advertise a warp! /advertise -color FF3232 -item 218 74917 &eRandom things with more random things. &6*scree*
Wand/ascend //ascend Moderator WorldEdit Command - Ascend a floor. /ascend
Stone/afk Apprentice Sets you as AFK (Away From Keyboard). /afk
Bow/archery Apprentice McMMO Command - View your Archery skill progress and information! /archery
Cursed Blade/arena Apprentice Warp to the Arena! /arena
Diamond Axe/axes Apprentice McMMO Command - View your Axes skill progress and information! /axes
Portal/back Administrator Warp back to your previous location. /back
Mjölnir/ban <player> (reason) Moderator Permanently ban a player. /ban Beandon Test ban message.
Mjölnir/banip <ip address> (reason) Administrator Permanently ban an IP address. /banip XX.XX.XXX.XX Test ipban message.
Mjölnir/banlist <player> (reason) Moderator View the list of bans that were given ingame. /banlist
Beacon/beaconeffects /beacon Apprentice Toggle whether you recieve effects from BeaconBeacon blocks! /beaconeffects
Book of Lore : Volume 1/book Apprentice Recieve 3 books of lore and a Recipe Book. /book
Mjölnir/bugs Apprentice This command opens the Tracker /bugs
Hammer of Notch/bungee <action> [action arguments] Helper Access and perform punishments on the Bungee server. /bungee tempban _Beandon_ 0 1 0 Do not spam!
Gold Ingot/buy /market buy <itemname> <amount> Apprentice Purchase an item from the server market! /buy cobblestone 10
Wand/ceil //ceil <clearance> Moderator WorldEdit Command - Jump to the ceiling of the room (with clearance) with a glass block beneath you. /ceil 2
Stone/checkpermission <permission> Apprentice Check to see if you have the specified permission. /checkpermission achievements.view.own
Chest/cinfo /lwc -i, /lwc info [limits] Apprentice LWC Command - View information on a protection after punching a protected block (Administrators see more info). /cinfo
Chest/climits Apprentice LWC Command - View the amount of protections you are allowed. /climits
Chest/cmodify /lwc -m, /lwc modify [-/g/@ modifications] Apprentice LWC Command - Modify a protection that you own (Moderators can modify others). /cmodify -Brandon_Jones @nickmcski
Stone/color Apprentice View the available colourcodes that you can type in chat and use on signs! /color
Chest/cpassword /lwc -c password <password> Apprentice LWC Command - Protect the punched block with a password. Unlock the block using /cunlock <password>. /cpassword XXXXXXXXXX
Chest/cprivate /lwc -c private [other players] Apprentice LWC Command - Protect the punched block with a private protection. /cprivate pig001, nickmcski, Brandon_Jones
Chest/cpublic /lwc -c public Apprentice LWC Command - Protect the punched block with a public protection (Anyone in the region can access it). /cpublic
Head/crashme Apprentice Crash your game. /crashme
Chest/cremove /lwc -r Apprentice LWC Command - Remove your protection (Moderators can remove any protection). /cremove
Wand/descend //descend Moderator WorldEdit Command - Teleport to the floor below you. /descend
Sentry Stone/dungeon <action> [action arguments] Moderator Manage the dungeons of Craftland. /dungeon warpto 2033
Hammer of Notch/each <target> <command> Moderator Make the target perform a command. /each Beandon /money
Hammer of Notch/eachr <radius> <target> <command> Moderator Make the target, if they're within range, perform a command. /eachr 10 Beandon /money
Diamond Shovel/excavation Apprentice McMMO Command - View your Excavation skill progress and information! /excavation
Command Block/find <string> Apprentice Search the entire list of commands for commands that contain your string! /find ba
Wand/findwarps <region name> Moderator List all warps within the specified region. /findwarps beans-beans
Wand/fixlava <radius> Administrator WorldEdit Command - Fix the flow of nearby lava blocks. /fixlava 20
Wand/fixlight <radius> Administrator WorldEdit Command - Fix the lighting of nearby blocks. /fixlight 20
Wand/fixwater <radius> Administrator WorldEdit Command - Fix the flow of nearby water blocks. /fixwater 20
Map/forcesave Administrator Save all player data, world data and entity data. /forcesave
Wand/forestgen <size> <type> <density> Administrator WorldEdit Command - Create a forest of a specified size, specified type and density. /forestgen 10 tree 0.5
Command Block/forums Apprentice This command opens the Forum /forums
Command Block/friend Apprentice Open the friends list GUI. /friend

The above table is currently a WIP

//shift Admin Shift the selection area //shift [direction]
/checkachievements Admin Look to see if anyone has a new achievement /checkach
/gamemode Admin Changes your game mode /gamemode [player]
/give /item, /i Admin Gives a player an item /give [player] [item] [amount]
/god Admin Toggles god mode /god [player]
/kickall Admin Kicks all players from the server /kickall
/model Admin Model a player /model
/modify Admin Modifies information about a player /modify [player] [rank|display name]
/mvpbuild Admin Build a Portal /mvpbuild
/say Admin Announces a message /say [message]
/spawnmob Admin Spawns mobs /spawnmob [number] [amount]
/ban Moderator Bans a player /ban [player]
/tempban Moderator Temporarily bans a player /tempban [player] M H D [reason]
/banlist Moderator Views a list of banned players /banlist
/hawkeye /he Moderator HawkEye command page /hawkeye
/hide Moderator Hides your online status /hide [player]
/kick Moderator Kicks the player from the serevr /kick [player]
/mute /gmute Moderator Stops the player from talking in chat (they can still private message) /mute [player]
/poof Moderator Turns you invisible /poof [player] (playername not needed to use command on yourself)
/serverstats Owner View stats about the server /serverstats
/achievements /ach Registred List achievements /ach [page]
/afk Registred Sets you as AFK (away from keyboard) /afk [message]
/book Registred Gives you all the books of lore and a recipe book /book
/color Registred Lists all the color codes for the server /color
/cprivate Registred Protects a chest /cprivate
/home Registred Goes to your set home /home
/hunt Registred View your monster hunt high score, current score, Previous nights high score /hunt
/ignore Registred Will not receive any chat from that player (only affect you /ignore [player]
/iteminfo Registred Views the ID and name of the item in your hand /iteminfo
/itempickup Registred Stop your player from picking up items /itempickup
/kit Registred List or receive a kit /kit
/list /online, /players Registred See online players /list
/mcc /[skill name] Registred View all McMMO commands /mcc
/mctop Registred See who has the Highest McMMO skill level /mctop [skill name]
/money Registred Check balance /money
/money top Registred See richest players /money top [number of players]
/motd Registred Shows important messages from nidefawl /motd
/msg /tell, /message Registred Sends a private message to a player /msg [player] [message]
/pay Registred Sends another player money /pay [name] [ammount]
/played Registred Check playing time /played
/pvp Registred Views all PvP commands /pvp
/sethome Registred sets home /sethome
/spawn Registred Brings you back to spawn /spawn
/stats Registred View your stats /stats
/tpallow Registred Allows a player to teleport to you /tpallow [player]
/tpblock Registred temporally stops al players from teleporting to you /tpblock
/tpdeny Registred Stops a player from teleporting to you /tpdeny [player]
/tplist Registred Give you a list of players allowed to teleport to you /tplist
/ts Registred Lists all of your tombstones /ts [list|destroy|warp] [id]
/warp create Registred Creates a warp /warp create [name]
/warp delete Registred Deletes a warp /warp delete [name]
/warp give Registred Gives one of your warps to someone else /warp give [player name] [warp name]
/warp help Registred View's help for all warp related commands /warp help
/warp invite Registred Invites a player to your private warp /warp invite [player name] warp name
/warp list Registred Lists all warps /warp list [page]
/warp plist Registred Lists all private warps /warp plist [page]
/warp private Registred Makes one of your warps private (its private by default) /warp private [warp name]
/warp public Registred Makes one of your warps public /warp public [warp name]
/warp search Registred Searches for warps you have access to /warp search [name]
/warp uninvite Registred uninvites a player to your private warp /warp uninvite [player name] warp name
/warp welcome Registred Changes the welcome message /warp welcome [name] message
/whois /who Registred Find out about a player /whois [player]
/tp VIP Teleports to a player /tp [player]
/tempmute (channel) (username) (Minutes) (Hours) (Days)