Latest Updates
Second Chance Island update! (13th of February, 2023) |
After 11 years on craftland, and a long eventless year. we've decided to adjust the concept of the second chance market! For this next version, everyone is invited to trade their old event currencies into second chance coins. Be it skulls, candy, presents or easter eggs, there's a trade for everything! (There are still gem trades and coins obtained from dungeons, arena and monsterhunt for newer players) Additionally, as a novelty there will be some very useful items besides a ton of old and new cosmetics available for trade, and many more, all of these come at an appropriate price. Therefore, wait no longer and earn as many coins as you can, to use them in the trades we prepared for you! By the way, for any bored people amongst you, there is a small gambling feature with beer included. Special thanks to Lagius, this wouldn't have happened without him! |
Easter Event 2022 (17th of April, 2022) |
An Easter Event has been released at /warp easter2022 collect as many eggs as possible, who can reach 10k first? |
9.61 (5th of April, 2021) |
An Easter Event has been released at /easter (Event is now over)! Additions
Bug Fixes
9.6 - More Wood Things, Settings Updates, Backend Changes.. (17th of Febaruary, 2021) |
Hey again! It's been quite some time since the last update and we greatly appreciate the patience you all have shown for us during a bit of a down period for most of the dev team. We assure that we're not dead! AdditionsGeneral
WoodThere are now Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Redwood, Fir, Acacia, Dark Oak and Magic Wood Variants of; Wooden Buttons, Trap Doors, Doors, Pressure Plates, Display Cases and Bookcases.
SettingsSettings Menus have been better compacted and categorised where you'd expect them to be.
HoesHoes now classify as a "Tool" and have been updated to replicate their Vanilla functionality.
Bug Fixes
Some Behind the Scene/Special Changes
Platinum Store Changes (30th of December, 2020) |
Hey all! There's been a few adjustments to the Platinum Store! There will be more adjustments coming in the future! New Items
4th January
Price Changes
4th January
9.5 - Loom Recipes, Tool Changes & Iron Wool (27th of August, 2020) |
Ahaha... It's been a while.. Hey guys ._. Searchable RecipesNew BookcasesNew Loom RecipesImproved End IslandsChiselled Concrete and IronwoolAdditions
Bug Fixes
Backend changes for those interested
Rule Update! (6th of May, 2020) |
Hey, we've gone ahead and updated the Rules for the Craftland Server; Check them out here:! |
9.4 - Platinum, Quests Rework + Easter Event! (12th of April, 2020) |
Woo! Another big patch with loads to read! (Special thanks to Recontrex, Nox and devinhamster for donating to my Ko-Fi after last patch! It really does mean a lot! :thumbsup:) Easter 2020 Event!Yipee! There is a light amongst the darkness. It's another event with things for players to do and exclusive goodies for players to collect! As usual, larger events like these will be lasting a month! You can access the Easter event via the /event corner at spawn, or by using /easter in-game! This event was made by Saya and yours truly, with the skins being provided by Lisa and Caity! AdditionsPlatinum System + Platinum StoreWith the soon-to-be removed Credit shop, Vote Shop and Boss Medals, comes a brand new system to take their place. One big universal, and more refined, system rather than a bunch of tiny outdated systems! Here's some information on how the new system works!
The platinum store's items will rotate daily! Some items will only be available on a specific day of the week! Also, it is important to note that the Platinum Store hasn't been fully stocked yet, so stay tuned for a bunch of new items! Reworked Quest SystemThe Daily Quest System served its purpose for some time, giving players something minor to do while playing Craftland. However, the rewards and purpose of it slowly became more redundant over time, and because of this, it's time for a rework! And what better time to introduce a rework than alongside another rework? Perfect! Quests are no longer just a simple "pink achievement" in the Achievements GUI. They now have their own GUI! Woo! To save this list of patchnotes being exceptionally long, here's a short list of what this system entails;
Bag o' TreatsA Soulbound Bag o' Treats is a bottomless bag that can store an infinite amount of Halloween Candy and can be purchased at /docks for 2,500,000 coins. It is highly advisable to not purchase more than one as their passive bonuses do not stack. The Bag o' Treats item rarity and speed bonus increase with the amount of candy that a player has stored inside of it! General+ Added a "Divider" mechanic to Hopper Ducts. This setting allows for items to be evenly divided among all available filter pipes (the pink pipes). Any left over items due to full containers will exit through the main pipe. + Added "Giant Slayer" Enchantment (Deals more damage to high level mobs, reduced damage to low level mobs). + Added "Sniper" Enchantment (Fully charged shots deal extra damage based on flight time). + Added a Rainbow Glint. + Added a Rainbow Incandescent Artifact. + Added the ability to disenchant Flux Crocus, Lunar Crocus and Amaranth into Flux. ChangesDiamond Bladed Saw
Enderman Boss Changes (Mostly Nerfs)
Bug Fixes
9.3 - St. Patricks, Ender Pearl Changes + Bug Fixes (11th of March, 2020) |
St. Patricks 2020 Event!Woo! A new event! This event consists of 5 daily quests to choose from (of which you can do 3 each day) with plenty of new skin rewards. This event has a few new smaller mechanics that I'm trying alongside 3 new exclusive fish! This smallish event will last 2 weeks. You can access the event via the /event corner at spawn, or by using /stpatricks in-game! Additions
Bug Fixes
9.24 - Bees, for real this time + Valentines! (15th of February, 2020) |
Woo! Fixes! Valentines! Beeeeees! Additions
Bug Fixes
9.2 - Beendon (10th of February, 2020) |
Woah! Patch 9.2! (Thank you very much to Recontrex, nickmcski, chriskjpk and Lisa for donating to my Ko-Fi page after last patch!) Holy.. I didn't realize how long these patchnotes were.. :P AdditionsGeneral
Hand Animations
Main Menu Changes
McMMO Changes + Limit Break
Gold Rush
Vampire Blade
9.1 - Cats, Doors, Fixes and Additions! (16th of January, 2020) |
Huzzah, we've reached the next version of Craftland! Version 9.1! Here are the patchnotes! Also, thanks alot to Recontrex, Caity, Lisa and a private donator for donating to my Ko-Fi page, it means alot! ;) Additions
Shop/Money Related
9.012 - More Xmas Loot, Display Cases and Flower Dyes! (16th of December, 2019) |
Yes. We skipped like 6 versions... It's fine!!! Here are the patchnotes for version 9.012! Woo! Additions
Xmas 2019 Updates
9.06 - Xmas Event & Small Bits (2nd of December, 2019) |
The Xmas 2019 Event is now released!!!You can get there by using the /xmas command in-game! Mini patch notes! Changes & Fixes
Mini-Patchnotes (03/12/2019)
Mini-Patchnotes (07/12/2019)
9.05 - Holiday Banners, Bridges, Weapon Changes & Bug Fixes!s (1st of December, 2019) |
Hope everyone is having an awesome Winter! I am. I never get to see the sun since I wake up at 5pm.. Patchnotes 9.05! Woo! The Xmas event will be out tomorrow, after another patch, while a few things are finished up! However, the Advent Calendar is released! Additions
Additionally, its damage bonus against Skyland mobs has increased from 2-4x to 3-5x! (This increases its maximum possible base damage from 24 to 35).
Additionally, its charged attack damage has increased from 4 to 12, at the cost of an extra durability.
Additionally, its charged attack frozen timer has been increased from 4 to 6 seconds.
9.04 - Bouncy Beds, Bug Fixes and Quality of Life additions (9th of November, 2019) |
Woah, another patch! But what's it called? Patch.. uh.. hmm.. Let's just call it 9.04! Here are the patchnotes! Crows Hallow - Carnival Extension!The carnival is in town! Check out the brand new quests, daily quests and traders at Crows Hallow! Get your ticket at /warp Mr Murdercrows Masterpiece! Additions
Fixes & Changes
Bug Fixes from Recent Patches (11/11/2019)
9.0 - Bang, Bash, Bob n' Bind (18th of October, 2019) |
Ah boy.. This is a long one. If you're planning on reading this, I suggest you get yourself a drink and maybe some popcorn. Here are the patchnotes for Update 9.0 (Also known as 'Update 4B'). Armor ReworkLet's start with noting some big things..
New Protections
Here's a list of noteable armor changes..Note: Every piece of armor has a base "Other Damage Reduction" value. Additionally, I will not be listing the reduction values of every armor here as it will make this section of the post twice as long xD Gold Armor: Each piece of this set now grants a bonus while enchanting (a higher chance to get better enchantments). Additionally, each piece of this set will weigh you down, reducing your jump height. Valkyrie Armor: Rather than the full set granting a +3 reach bonus, each piece now grants +0.5 reach. Gravitite Armor: Rather than the full set granting a Jump Height bonus, each piece now grants small jump height bonus. Having the full set still grants Fall Damage immunity. Obsidian Armor: Each piece of this set weighs you down heavily. Perfect Diamond ArmorPerfect Diamond Armor is now sealed upon being crafted (this includes old armors too), and can become unsealed when combined on the floor with an Aether Orb. When the armor becomes unsealed, it will gain 1 random protection value, alongside the base, plus 1 or 2 random traits! It will also remove all existing enchantments, in the form of an Enchanted Book, as Perfect Diamond Armor can no longer be enchanted. Possible traits include;
Shields and BlockingA bunch of shields have been added to Craftland, alongside functionality! In order to block, you must now use your shield, which typically has a chance to deflect an attack and defend you from harm. All Shields also now have a 3d model and are displayed on your characters arm when worn, and in front of the character when blocking. New shields include;
Tipped ArrowsSimilar to Vanilla, we have added tipped arrows which apply potion effects when colliding with another mob. These are made inside the cauldron, which is different to vanilla. Simply pour the potion into the cauldron(right click), then right click with plain old arrows, simple! These arrows however can only be fired from your bow when they are placed inside a quiver! Simply craft a quiver, then place it in one of your misc slots. it will then add a new inventory tab, allowing you to add the arrows into the quiver! Fishing ReworkLoads of Fish!Previously, Craftland was home to only 17 variants of fish (5 being event exclusive). But now, with the addition of this rework, Craftland is now home to 78 different fish, with more to come! However, with the addition of new fish comes a sacrifice. You will not be able to collect the new fish in the form of items, but rather in the form of entries. You can view all of the fish you've collected via the Fish Collection tab within your Inventory. Additionally, most species of fish can only be fished at certain times of the day, during certain weather patterns, within certain biomes, worlds and one currently even desires a specific kind of fishing rod. Loads of Rods + Tool StationAlongside being able to find almost 80 kinds of fish, you can do so with new kinds of fishing rods! With this rework, there are now over 2,000 possible combinations of fishing rods! Some specific editions of rod, string or tackle will grant different perks while fishing. For example; a phoenix string will allow you to fish in lava, and a dressed tackle will make it easier to find rarer fish. Additionally, you now create Fishing Rods using the brand new crafting station known as the Tool Station(and soon, be able to modify fishing rods as well as other tools!) Fishing MinigameLastly, fishing is no longer a simple "right click at the right time" system. It's now been extended to have a minigame which will determine whether you successfully reel in your catch or not. The goal of this minigame is to keep the green bar behind the fish as it squirms around trying to break free! You can hold the Right Mouse Button to move the bar to the right, and let go to have it drop to the left. At the end of the fishing minigame, if you reeled a fish, it will display the fish you caught on screen! Salvaging + Repair ChangesHammers, Salvaging and FragmentsAn entirely new tool type has been added to Craftland! Hammers! The more productive kind, not more magical orb shooting hammers. You can craft these hammers with the recipe specified below in Wooden, Stone, Iron, Gold and Diamond versions. Hammers, alongside being used to break down certain blocks into simpler forms (Stone -> Cobblestone -> Gravel -> Sand), are the tools used to salvage existing tools and armors into fragments! Bare in mind, for the most part, the exchange rate for salvaging is immensely unfavorable, so only do it when necessary! In order to make this post a little smaller, the list of armors/tools to fragments will be posted on the wiki in the coming days. However, here's the list of new fragments that have been added to Craftland;
Small Repair UpdatesWith these additions of the new fragments, some repair materials have been updated. For example; Valkyrie gear now requires Valkyrie Plates to be repaired and Revenant tools can now be repaired using Revenant Remnants. The anvil also now shows what item is requried to repair another item as ghost items in the slots. Soulbound ReworkSoulbound ChangesWith the plans to make more loot from events soulbound, we needed to change the soulbound system eventually to appease the large influx of soulbound items.. Here are the changes! Soulbound items are no longer bound to your character, enderchest and garderobe with a generic tag.. Now, they're bound to your player ID and name, which opens up the ability to place these items ANYWHERE. That's right, you can now place your soulbound costumes on display stands, in chests, display cases and more! The only exception to this rule is that they cannot be placed inside of containers that can transfer/drop or destroy items (Crafting Inventories, Dispensers, Droppers, Hoppers, Hopper Ducts, Minecarts, Shop Chests, Enchanters and Disenchanters). Additionally, soulbound items now have a tinier B in the top left corner of the item, which changes color dependent on if the item belongs to you or not. Red B for an item not belonging to you, and a light Blue B for items belonging to you. And lastly, players cannot destroy or even move soulbound items that don't belong to them. Soulbound On Loot MechanicAlongside the new soulbound system, we've added a brand new mechanic which can be noticed with a cyan string "Becomes Soulbound once looted". If a player picks up or receives this item through their mailbox, the item will automatically become bound to them. Items with this tag will also have a Cyan B and a cyan background. Other AdditionsTax on Transactions and Shop Chest EarningsSeeing how Craftland's economy is getting worse by the day, with a constant influx of money and not enough sinks to remove it, we've decided to implement a tax on transactions and Shop Chest earnings. From now on, when trying to transfer money to another player, you will be charged an additional 1.15% before making the transaction (if you don't have the money to pay the tax, you won't make the transaction). As for Shop Chests...
Loot BagsLoot Bags have been added to Craftland! Loot Bags are bags that give you the power of choice when it comes to picking what loot you desire. Their first appearances are within the Crows Hallow event so use that event to experience them! They will soon be added to many more things such as dungeons, future events and trades!
Small Goldrush Changes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes from Recent Patches (16/10/2019, 17/10/2019 and 18/10/2019)
Also, special thanks to Trico_Everfire for making the 3d renders of me and pig used in this post. |
8.9 - The Pre-Big Update (Summer Event, Vote Change, Effects etc)! (19th of August, 2019) |
Hey guys, it's been a little while since our last patch, but please don't kill us! We have some big things planned.. But for the moment, here are the patchnotes for update 8.9! Mini Summer EventA mini summer event has been released! You can get there by using the portal in the Event Corner at spawn or by using the /summer command! This Event has a custom VoteWheel table and a slightly different take on how to obtain rewards compared to normal.
Fixes & ChangesVote Changes
Minecraft Forum Posts? (5th of August, 2019) |
Recently (January) Minecraft forums owner Curse was sold by Twitch to Fandom, and in the process a lot of old accounts posts have been removed, not going into the exact details, our old posts from years ago were removed. As such, we've created a new post! Give us a like, and let us know your favourite feature in the comments! Also let me know of anything its missing or should be added, or any possible spelling mistakes! |
Extra Loot Weekend 1 - Unreleased Dungeon Stones! (12th of July, 2019) |
Hey guys! Just thought I'd let you all know that during this weekend, and this weekend only, all released dungeons have a slight chance to drop some of the unreleased dungeon stones! The unreleased dungeon stones consist of;
Additionally, the Fishing Event that was released recently has an NPC that allows you to trade for the Lit and Beam versions of some of these stones! Come and grab them while you can! |
Fishing MicroEvent Redux (8th of July, 2019) |
The Fishing MicroEvent is back with a whole new look! New map, new traders, a new hat effect and ofcourse, more money to make!
Additionally, similar to last year, this event introduces a load of mini events such as MultiBob, NaturalSelection, OnlyFish and much more! |
8.81 - Monsterhunt Table, Mini Modifications, Additions and Bug Fixes (8th of July, 2019) |
Ah, it's about that time isn't it? Time for a brand new batch of patchnotes fresh out of the Craftland oven! Here are the patchnotes for Version 8.81! Additions
Fixes & Changes
8.8 - Loot Tracking, Name Changing, Tutorials and Other Things! (1st of June, 2019) |
It's that time again! Time for some delicious patchnotes! Version 8.8: Additions/Changes
Tutorial System
Props to pig001 for making this a reality! Name Change NPC
(Please be sure to read our nickname policy before submitting a name, to ensure you get the nickname you desire!) Loot Hoarder NPCEver wanted to keep track of your progress when defeating dungeons? Keep a log of all of the loot you've collected? Well now you can! Starting from now; this NPC will log every single item you find from dungeons and keep them stored in her handy dandy UI! If there's an item you've never looted before, you will instead see a "???" in place of the item information, to add some mystery for newer users. Hovering over a found item will display their information as expected. Additionally, at the bottom of the list, you will see your completion bar. If this hits 100%, you have successfully completed the sheet! If you happen to complete a loot sheet, you will be rewarded with some exclusive skins and other goodies! Be sure to stick around, as we have plenty of plans for the Loot Hoarder in the future! |
8.77 - Easter VoteWheel, Flux Altar Changes, Bug Fixes (16th of April, 2019) |
Mini Serverside Patch (23/04/2019)
Mini Serverside Patch (21/04/2019)
Welcome to the patchnotes for version 8.77! These patchnotes come at a small fee of: all of your chocolate easter eggs. Not joking by the way. Additions
Flux Altar Changes
Other Changes/Fixes
8.763-8.765 (31th of March, 2019) |
Apologies for the delay of these Patchnotes, we're running low on funds in the patchnote writing department, please donate 2 coins today... Additions
Other Stuffs
8.762 (16th of Februrary, 2019) |
Mining world has been reset New
Fixes & Improvements
Valentines Event (13th of Februrary, 2019) |
Valentines Event
8.76 (13th of Februrary, 2019) |
Fixes & Improvements
8.742 - Gravitite Beacons (24th of January, 2019) |
So long story short: Craftland has now a way to enable flying in Survival! New
This feature is still being tested so expect balancing changes. Fixes & Changes
8.74 (22th of January, 2019) |
8.73 - Fixes, Alterations etc.. (20th of January, 2019) |
8.71 - Vanilla Stuff, Elysian Blade, UI Update and Pumpkins. (16th of January, 2019) |
UI Update
New Blocks
New.. Other Things
Adjustments and Fixes
8.7 - Loot Changes, Fixes and Vampire Nerf (15th of January, 2019) |
8.62 - Chunk Culling fixes (11th of January, 2019) |
+ Added Swet Dungeon Stone, Lit Swet Dungeon Stone and Arcane Beam Stone. |
8.6 - Xmas Event, Daily Quest Updates and more Stuff! (29th of November, 2018) |
Daily Quest Update
Other Goodies
8.4 - Grimlock + Daily Quests (+Mini Patch) (1st of November, 2018) |
Tales of GrimlockFirst off, Tales of Grimlock has been released! You can get there via /warp grimlock as usual! Have fun! Daily QuestsSecondly, Daily Quests have been added into Craftland! Woo! Every single day (At about 12am-12:05am server time), the server will be generating 3 daily quests from a predefined pool of random criteria (This can range from walking 500 miles to murdering a poor Captain 3 times over)! Daily Quests will reward players with a set amount of money based on the difficulty (Ranging from 2,000 coins to 10,000 coins) and, occasionally, a lower tier item for those that need it. Other Notes
The rest of Patch 8.4Additions
Mini Patch
Tales of Grimlock
8.34 - Mini Patch (13th of October, 2018) |
VoteWheel Update
The possible rewards during October include coins, experience, an undead spawner, a golden chest, skulls, decorative skulls, candy, pumpkin stuff, hats with the zombie effect, aubepinecanne, pumpkin ring, witch ring, spider pig ring, revenant greataxe, revenant ring and a zombie model unlock! Be sure to check it out! Other NotesAdditions/Modifications
Bug Fixes
Mini Patch
8.33 - Fishing Event! (26th of July, 2018) |
The new Fishing Event has been released! Warp on over to /warp fishing to take part and obtain a hefty amount of cash, new smelly and shiny hats, sexy new wings and maybe even some Squid Spawners if you're up for it! We've added 3 cheeky limited time achievements for you to obtain to get that nice achievement score:
This event also introduces 5 new species of fish which can be used for trading with the various NPC's scattered across the /warp fishing area:
We're not over yet! This event also introduces a MicroEvent which will randomly occur within this world every 10-30 minutes whilst there are 5 or more players online. This MicroEvent will effect how fishing functions for 2-10 minutes within this world (MicroEvents can vary from ItsRainingFish, Durability and even MultiBob)... Happy Fishing! (More information about this event can be found on the wiki page) Oh, and the Mining World was reset by the way :) |
Old Table
Patchnote | Release Date | Information |
1.3 | Feb 26, 2011 | is down atm. can only be a week till its up again (Notch left the building) |
1.4?? | Mar 25, 2011 | MCMMO System was Implemented |
1.5 | Apr 20, 2011 | EDIT: We are running 1.5 |
1.6 | May 24, 2011 | There is a huge list of bugfixes: |
1.7 | Jul 03, 2011 | I will update to 1.7 as soon as some mean bugs are getting fixed. (Item duping, etc)
Meanwhile I broke the login credentials for the website and had to reset all of your passwords. |
New Plugins | Jul 18, 2011 | IconomyChestShop, BankAccount, Tombstone, Map also Displays your warps / public warps / protections. |
Craftland Launcher / 1.8 | Aug 26, 2011 | Craftland Launcher Release, Mail System Fixed, Aether |
1.9 | Oct 14, 2011 | New Launcher, 1.9pre1 Minecraft, The latest launcher had a bug causing infinite restarts. Sry for that, i removed it. v1.05 is OK
If you can't kill the process or your computer goes crazy (and you are on windows) this command might help you: Start -> run -> type taskkill /im javaw.exe /f |
Skylands and Swamplands | Feb 08, 2012 | Both the worlds "Skylands" and "Swamplands" will be removed in a few days. Please make sure you get your valuables out of this worlds before this happens!
There might be another chance in a few weeks to get back and pickup stuff in case someone came late or you forgot about the other 40 stacks of diamond you were hiding somewhere |
Money Reset! | Feb 08, 2012 | There will be a money reset in the next few days. All bank and player accounts will be reset to 0 coins! |
1.994? | Mar 17, 2012 | Another update on the server side.
- All Aether mobs will spawn now - Tweaked overall spawning of mobs - Armor no longer protects you from falldamage |
Attention new Players! | Mar 28, 2012 | New players have to play 24h before they get build permissions.
This is due to the nonfinished join system which I'm still working on. Thank you for your patience! Edit: New players have to play for 2h to get permissions now |
1.996 | Apr 01, 2012 | Added missing bird textures
Tweaked the weight of some enchantments, it should be easier to get high-level ones now Tweaked aether spawns a little Tweaked block ticks to reduce lag, stuff may grow slower now Re-Added automatic killing of too much mobs/entitites in one area Throttled block update packets to reduce lag on client and server Throttled chest update packets to reduce lag when there are lots of chests in one area |
1.997 | Apr 06, 2012 | Launcher has been updated, to enforce loading of NativeBass library
(It may now load an exe on windows system to check if you're running 64bit) Jukeboxes can now play internet radio (THX TO MARC0303) Tried to fix chestshop permissions Nothing else |
1.9985 | Apr 10, 2012 | * Firemonsters will now reset their health when you die/logout/warp out
1.993 | Mar 14, 2012 | * fixed /tplist listing all entries twice
2.2 | Apr 27, 2012 | Edit: forgotten patchnotes: - fixed potions effects not showing up
Edit: forgotten patchnotes: - fixed fire potions not working Edit: forgotten patchnotes: - reduced hammer of notch durability and damage area
Rollback | May 06, 2012 | Because I (nidefawl) typed a dumb command there was a huge rollback (world state: 27.04.12 00:15)
I'd like to apologize for this huge reversal and will give my best to prevent things like this in the future. There is a chance I can restore at least some your work and valueables. |
2.43 | May 22, 2012 | Client:
World generator:
2.5 | Jun 12, 2012 | Edit: (things I forgot to mention)
Moderator/Admin: Added gui to see used CustomPainting images
WorldEdit Clipboard controls are: 7 rotate 1 flip
8 forward 2 backward 6 right 4 left 9 up 3 down |
2.6 | Jul 01, 2012 | * The client now supports unlimited Textures for blocks and Items
2.7 | Jul 01, 2012 | EDIT: 2.72 Fixes the glitchy movement and dungeon bugs
2.7 Patchnotes
2.8 | Jul 24, 2012 | 2.814 Patchnotes:
2.813 Patchnotes:
Internal Code stuff:
2.9 | Oct 18, 2012 | Mobs:
There are probably more things I forgot to mention here |
Maps are Fixed! | Oct 24, 2012 | The Maps have been fixed and all the newest blocks have been added.
From now on there are schedeuled map updates once per hour! |
2.95 | Oct 24, 2012 | Fixes:
Minecraft 1.3.2 changes:
3.0 / 3.032 | Nov 30, 2012 | Update 3.032 Patchnotes
Update 3.02 Patchnotes
3.5 | Feb 06, 2013 | * A new fancy laucher!
Improved the mob spawning Renamed 'Swetty Ball' to 'Swet Ball' Made gravitite swords less efficient on big entities Made mob spawners spawn less mobs Made mob spawners spawn more mobs Enabled villager trading Updated max enchantment level to 30 Updated enchantment weightings Updated modifiers of some enchantments to reflect vanilla state Updated dispensers to reflect vanilla state Made texture loading threaded. (Less lag, short render glitch) Changed minecraft to run in a native window instead of a JFrame Changed the different video settings screens for better arranging Shaders: tweaked * bugfixes Updated the painting window to show previous pictures you loaded Updated the warps tab, added a list for invites (permissions) Improved dynamic texture updates Tweaked Item rendering Tweaked mob rendering Tweaked TileEntity rendering Tweaked particle rendering Tweaked playerlist rendering Removed single/multiplayer buttons Removed interact events for pressure plates Fixed Lore books opening the wrong GUI Fixed mouse buttons keybindings Fixed problems with texture pack loading/reloading Fixed lots of smaller problems with GUI elements Fixed arrows in entities rendering, and improved it a lot Fixed some bugs with with attacked mobs color being full red Fixed bugs with Swets, fixed its texture Fixed bugs with Slimes, fixed its texture Fixed inventory textures with custom texture packs Fixed bugs with depthbuffer in different Windows/Screens Fixed colored leather armor not rendering correct Fixed snowman placing snow only on client side Fixed light updates Fixed chest render bug Fixed shift clicking with armor and containers not working Fixed PvP flag not showing when world has PvP enabled Fixed plasma aercloud on minimap Fixed minimap loading very slow with high res texture packs Fixed fire aspect not setting mobs on fire Fixed dungeon stones not beeing pick and placeable Fixed passive mobs spawning on stone Fixed dart shooters texture and consumed dart type Fixed too many block faces beeing rendered sometimes Fixed lots of problems with threaded rendering Fixed bugs with Littleblocks rendering Fixed bugs with protection enchantments Fixed dragon egg dropping sometimes Fixed sponge block not doing anything (It's not that powerful now) Fixed Enderman teleporting into the ground Fixed logs dropping sideway log items Fixed pistons pushing blocks that it shouldn't push Fixed PigZombie not dropping the right stuff Fixed golden aechor plants turning to normal ones on chunk unload Fixed a bug with registration links not working on first attempt Fixed a bug that could lead to despawning of a mob/animal when player relogs Fixed Aerbunnys hopping into the ground Fixed all kinds of mobs moving through the ground Fixed WorldEdit //pos[1|2] giving the server a headache There is more that has been fixed... Internal server performance tweaks: (Block ticks, Entity AI, Entity tracking, collision detection, biome lookups, explosions, redstone updates, chunk load/saving/unload) |
3.56 | Feb 26, 2013 | * Updated the Main menu to show the server status
Admin / Moderator / Staff:
3.6 | May 23, 2013 | * Mobs from MobSpawners now have a limited lifetime.
They randomly despawn after a minimum liftime of 1 min
Minecraft 1.52 Features:
3.608 | Jun 05, 2013 | * Fixed enchanted books loose their enchantments sometimes
Goodbye Littleblocks Physics | Jun 09, 2013 | Due to the high server load I will remove Physic updates on LittleBlocks soon. |
3.61 | Jun 11, 2013 | * Prepared the Greycliff portal:
Edit: *Fixed reserve slots not working for Premium members |
Color and HD Skins | Jun 13, 2013 | I added a better profile page to the website.
Everyone can now pick their name colors themselves. It will show all colors that are available for you depending on your groups. There is also a Change Skin page where Premium III+ members can upload HD skins. It supports resolutions up to 1024x512. You can also use that page to just store normal skins and quickly switch between them. I will link it to the server soon so you don't have to relog to apply a new skin. |
3.65 | Jun 18, 2013 | |
3.7 | Jul 09, 2013 | Added a player shop list on the Main Window
Added a reset system for the End Dimension
Added ingame voting Mobs from spawners no longer count towards Monsterhunts scores Fixed infinite Moa Jumps Fixed playtime getting increased when not online Fixed Sapling drops Fixed bug that makes players stay in sit animation Fixed dispenser and dropper bugs Added missing dispenser and dropper logic Added option to disable mob sounds Fixed log dropping sideway items with silktouch Added missing enchantment logic (combine books, damage on axes) Fixed Hopper/Dropper button with double chests Fixed getting falldamage with full gravitite armor set (Minecarts) Fixed broken Villager GUI with large inventories Fixed default config for InvTweaks * larger inventories Fixed placing of blocks on top of hoppers and some other blocks Fixed placing blocks when holding sneak key while jumping Fixed getting falldamage when wearing Phoenix Armor and touching the ground of a lava see Fixed a few things that allowed players to move the sun god outside the dungeon You can now repair your diamond hoe with diamonds Fixed bugs that prevented growing trees from saplings Fixed a TNT dupe bug Fixed holystone stair drops Fixed slow mining with aether axes and some blocks made of skyroot planks Fixed slow mining with aether picks and some blocks made of holystone Fixed IcePendant/Ring ignoring regions Fixed trapdoors not being protect Fixed falling thru protected trapdoors Added a recipe for chiseled stone bricks Fixed bugs with Moas falling thru the ground or getting stuck while riding Made riding Moas much smoother Made Phyg and FlyingCow riding much smoother Fixed block animation with Vampire Blades Fixed Sentry Boots Fixed player motion updates sometimes not being sent to the player only to others Fixed Incubators flame bars Fixed shift clicking with Furnaces Added shift clicking for Incubators Added shift clicking for Aether Enchanters Fixed wrong costs on Anvil for non*vanilla items (Server thought you renamed when you didn't) Fixed Chests not staying in the direction you placed them Added a search bar to the public warp list Fixed on*ground items sometimes stuck in transparent blocks Fixed comparator output of chests Added comparator output to Incubators, Enchanters, Freezers and ChestShops Fixed activator rail block*update when getting powered Fixed comparator block*update when toggling mode Removed sorting buttons from Dispensers and droppers Added the snowball drops to snow layers Added the Snowlayer recipe Rightclicking armor now equips it Enchanted books now show the level on your inventory Made /give command more clever Tons of serverside perfomance tweaks Fixed the server status update on the main*menu Fixed some bugs WorldEdit and copying TileEntities |
Voteshop | Jul 11, 2013 | The voteshop has just been opened /warp voteshop |
Monsterhunt | Jul 16, 2013 | MonsterHunt points for mobspawner kills are back and natural spawned Mobs give 3 times as much points now.
The Region TP flag has also been fixed today. |
3.7.9 | Aug 06, 2013 | [*] Added different difficulty levels to mobs:
[*] Added chat bubbles [*] Added damage inidicators [*] Added health bars [*] Added custom portals [*] Added a tplist GUI [*] You can now use 2x or 1x GUI scale on the Craftland windows [*] Swets now have a chance to drop Swet Orbs [*] Added repairing Swet Capes with Swet Orbs [*] Added effect for full Valkyrie Armor set: Increased block reach distance [*] Added /love command [*] Added up to date 64px and 128px sphax texture packs [*] Added /reloadskin command [*] Your health will now restore faster when sitting on a chair [*] Modified the voting GUI [*] Armor and enchanted items will now go first into your Tombstone [*] Raised protection amount of Valkyrie and Obsidian armor [*] Moved server spawn [*] Renamed ‘Swety Balls’ to ‘Swet Orbs’ [*] Adjusted villagers bounding box size [*] Updated and improved Aerwhales a lot [*] Fixed the Panda baby model [*] Changed the Pig baby model [*] Tons of server side performance tweaks [*] Fixed wolves losing their collar colors [*] Fixed Moas/Withers sometimes not spawning [*] Fixed a crash bug when clicking Players on the Main Window [*] Fixed Aechor Plants and more aether mobs not spawning [*] Fixed rotation of items in Itemframes [*] Fixed item frames popping off in protected regions [*] Fixed paintings popping off in protected regions [*] Fixed NPCs not storing their rotation when unloading [*] Fixed NPCs trading not working after being attacked [*] Fixed the /votepoints command [*] Fixed Villagers dieing after mating [*] Removed bacon Admin/Mod changes: [*] Added kicking/banning ingame players from IRC [*] Added /showinv admin command [*] Added /portal admin command [*] Improved /ent command |
3.9 | Aug 24, 2013 | * Added Macros: Commands you can bind to keys
4.0 | Sep 05, 2013 | Added Hats, still working out the details on how to receive them
Added better block particle effects, can be disabled Added block place animation, can be disabled Added an Item receive screen, will be used for achievements rewards + upcoming features Fixed Jukebox volume slider Made chickens despawn when there are hundreds close to each other Fixed silktouch on ice blocks Fixed aether pillar tops turning in to normal pillars when placed Reduced rain seasons in all worlds Fixed skyroot sapling drops Sphax 64 pixels is now the default texture pack Added Premium 5 rank and adjusted Premium 1 to 4 benefits Fixed Items on chat not allways rendering correctly Fixed loosing items when falling from the aether while the inventory is open Made it so you no longer demount from your moa when the moa is getting damage Fixed colors on chat tabs |
Get a Hat! | Sep 13, 2013 | You can now buy Hats. You have to get some Credits first.
Credits can be obtained for Coins and Euros: |
4.1 | Sep 20, 2013 | Added a Friends List + Friends Chat Tab
Friends can be shown on your screen (as seen on parties) Improved GUI Windows and added buttons on top of screen Changed Ingame Menu (ESC) Made a lot of the commands respond on the tab you send them from You can now hide your armor if you want to Fixed Torches not always placing correctly Fixed different Hat types stacking up sometimes Fixed Pistons ignoring the Pistons region flag Fixed a crash on the Vote Screen Fixed double (and triple) using of xp potions, ender pearls etc. Fixed a few reproducable Moa-dissapearing bugs Fixed Warpto button in warp list GUI Fixed Warp cooldowns always being 30 seconds for warps in the same world Fixed loss of XP levels > 135 Local chat now works over the whole world Disabled Animated GUIs for all Intel graphics cards Added temporarily muting to channels, and global temp mutes Worked on chat tabs player lists Changed default keybindings a bit (Grab is now G) |
4.2 | Sep 29, 2013 | Added Display Cases and Armor Stands
Added Saws and Wooden Plates which are used to craft Display Cases You can now put Hats and almost all other Items in your Custom Slots Added level-of-detail to all Entities: You may notice very far away Players will no longer show their armor -> More FPS Added a New option (Options -> Video Settings -> Performance -> Detailed Chunk Distance) -> This option can boost your FPS a lot by skipping rendering of certain blocks at a certain distance -> It hides Long Grass, Dead Bushes, Vines, Leaf Piles, Flowers, Torches, Fire, Anvils, Chairs and LittleBlocks on far away chunks Mobs and players being hit from a distance greater than 5 blocks will no longer be knocked back. This change does not affect the knockback enchantment Rewrote and fixed the chat text color parser and color render code Fixed LittleBlocks structures shaking a bit when moving Fixed LittleBlocks not always updating correctly (invisible faces) Fixed the Hide Armor option Fixed Redstone Comparators not allways updating Fixed a few bugs with Villagers and Village detection/updates Fixed rendering artifacts on Items when using MipMapping Fixed a few bugs with slab block placing when the place animation is active Fixed sideways placing of Aether Logs failing Fixed texture rotation on sideways placed Golden Oak Log Fixed shift clicking on the NPC and Villager Inventory Fixed Entity Pathfinding failing a lot, causing Zombies not atticking you Fixed a bug with general Entity AI tasks managing Fixed invincible Mobs allowing you to level up skills |
4.3 | Oct 22, 2013 | Added Survival Games (aka Hunger Games)
Added Hardened and Stained Clay Added Double Slab recipes for the unique looking stone slabs Premium Players can now create more warps and public warps Colored Glass can now be crafted into Colored Thin Glass Armor Stands and DisplayCases are now logged with HawkEye Rewrote BankAccounts and Chat Channel Manager to fix bugs Made Ambrosium from hoppers always go into the lower slot of an Enchanter Potions can be stacked up to 8 now Fixed Wall Signs getting unregistered when the block below was broken Fixed several bugs with /restore Fixed Players/Entities sometimes not appaering client side after warping around Fixed Commands in Private tabs opening a new tab Fixed a few bugs with URLs and Colors in the chat showing wrong Fixed a bug with button clicks in the GUI not getting registered Fixed lamp not getting powered with a lever on top Fixed freezer freezing without checking if there was water in the skyroot bucket Fixed mushroom cow not breading Fixed huge mushroom not generating on mycelium with bonemeal Fixed Greycliff leaves on the Minimap Even more bugfixes Maybe more (secret) features |
4.4 | Nov 1, 2013 | New Achievement GUI (/achievements)
4.5 | Nov 12, 2013 | Added Games GUI
This GUI is available on the Ingame Menu (ESC), as button on the window screen and with the command /games You can simply join a queue which will notify and teleport you into a the next game that starts.
4.6 | Nov 21, 2013 | Added a new, more helpful Crafting GUI
4.65 | Nov 24, 2013 | Updated the launcher, client and server to fix the "Bad Logins"
You can now ride Pandas |
4.7 | Dec 13, 2013 | * Added penguins
4.73 | Jan 17, 2014 | A bit delay, here the 4.73 Patchnotes:
4.78 | Mar 24, 2014 | Update 4.78 is here!
4.8 | May 04, 2014 | * Premium 6 officialy released now
4.9 | Jun 27, 2014 | * New spawned Villagers have a chance to trade otherwise unobtainable high level Enchantent Books
For example Unbreaking VIII, Protection IX
We got removed from that site
Every Essence of Undeath applied to a spawner takes 1000 "Creatures spawned" from it until 0 A spawner with lower total "Creatures spawned" is slightly faster |
4.91 | Jun 29, 2014 | * McMMO max level increased to 1200
Skill Levels > 1000 will reduce your ability cooldown times !
5.0 | Jul 09, 2014 | Added new boss spawners for boss arenas:
Added perfect diamonds:
The villagers will not poof right after 10 hours. It depends on the overall server load, how the long villager and how far away the next player is
Even more:
Inspired by the mod "Mob Dismemberment" You can find it in Settings *> Other *> Animated Corpse
5.05 / 5.02 | Jul 23, 2014 | * Hats can now have rare visual effects
Spawns up only to 3 kittens now Heals 400 every 2 seconds when 3 kittens are spawned Damage done to kittens now counts towards boss damage
You get one per Bossfight
5.1 | Aug 03, 2014 | *Added support for Resourcepacks
Quarterblocks recipe: 3x3 sand
~Fixed a bug that rarely made players stuck locally ~Fixed several partial blocks lighting issues ~Fixed name color changing in Appearance menu not working ~Fixed display case item rendering ~Updated all translation files and textures ~Updated LittleBlocks recipe: 3x3 Dirt
~Changed "detailed chunk distance" setting to "detailed block distance"
~Setting a low block distance will give you much higher FPS |
5.2 | Aug 11, 2014 | New Spawn world
Thanks to Soulmusician for his efforts on getting this world done so quickly Thanks to everyone who helped building it!
You will land at different locations everytime you use the portals
(Unless used in a region with set spawn location)
Added Archery skill Does not have a command yet Multiplies arrows damage by '1 * SkillLevel / 250' (applied after power enchantment!) Increasing chance to not consume arrows when shooting Increasing chance to make a shot critical even not fully charged Added fishing skill Increasing chance to give you 2 to 4 times as much fish Increases your fishing speed Increasing chance to find treasures Increasing chance to get good treasure when you find treasure Spawn world gives double fishing xp
When starting the game it tests every hat against every other hat If none of both hats cubes collide it will show both hats Hint: You can put hats in your custom slot
Potions, Aercloud, Enchantment Books, Perfect Diamond Armor
Removed all existing block protections in the nether
Checks if block is grass when placing flower, If a ladder could be placed etc.
Makes double plants break fully when removeing lower part, Makes flying torches fall off
5.3 | Aug 17, 2014 | * You can now create experience potions: There is a button on your inventory
The blade is dropped by the Skeleton boss. More details on the wiki (soon)
This way you can level them up and make out of stock trades fill back up
Old swords will keep their old stats
5.4 | Aug 26, 2014 | * Added Basalt Stone, Basalt Cobblestone, Basalt Brickstone
5.5 | Sep 12, 2014 | These patchnotes are summary of the last 4 updates
Cannot be cooked, some are rare and give more xp when fished
Added new Mentor system:
Arena Boss changes:
Hardcore world changes:
5.6 | Sep 16, 2014 | * Added a protection limit to LWC locks
Premium ranks give you following locks on top:
Right now only numbers show:
There will be more emblems in the future, and the ranking may change
This requirement may be lowered after the mentor system got another adjustment
Brewing Stand, Furnace, Aether Enchanter
5.7 | Oct 01, 2014 | Voting for the Video contest hasn't started yet.
Watch all of the contest entries here: Patchnotes: Updated the code to allow more Block IDs than 256 Updated rendering code to make translucent blocks blend like vanilla does
Ender Dragons now have 1000 HP and do more damage Fixed some rendering bugs Fixed Chest Lock GUI not allowing to unlock when over limit Fixed Apprentices being able to select any player as mentor Fixed Mentors not getting completed students stat updated when offline Temporarily disabled Shaders to keep the game stable Temporarily disabled Connected Textures to keep the game stable |
Admins and the Economy | Oct 24, 2014 | I want to make clear that from now on admins are no longer allowed to take part in the economy.
This includes any kind of trade, Coins vs Item, Items vs Items, Other things vs Coins, Anything vs. anything. If any current admin does not want to comply with those rules please let me know and I will demote to moderator. |
5.78 | Nov 02, 2014 | * Attempt to fix required chunks unloading sometimes
That bug caused mobs not being updated, items not stacking up on ground
5.8 | Nov 18, 2014 | Added a new "Mining World":
Added "Goldrush" minigame in Mining world
Added Tree Mutation:
5.85 | Nov 18, 2014 | * Mining World has been reset
5.9 | Nov 20, 2014 | * Brought back insta*breaking blocks with efficiency/haste
5.92 | Dec 12, 2014 | * Mining world is no longer PvP
Corn, Rice, Tomatoes, Onion, Grapes, Cranberries, Cotton, Flax, Jabuticaba, Red Chili, Tea, Onion, Celery, Peanuts, Hops, Seaweed Green Beans, Seabean, Jab, King Spear
6.0 | Mar 10, 2015 | There is simply to many villagers on craftland now due to the fact that no villager despawns ever.
With the next update any villager that is older than 1 Minecraft month and hasn't been traded with can despawn! 1 Minecraft month equals 10 hours. The villager will only age if its loaded The villagers have a lot of AI tasks that produce a lot of server load. We cannot keep 20000 Villagers around that no one uses.
Added the Infusement Altar Added Spectral Pickaxe, Mines 3x3x1 area Added Spectral Shovel: Digs 3x3x1 area Added Spectral Axe: Breaks 10x1x1 logs at once Added Spike blocks: Expands when spikes powered, mobs get stuck on it and take damage Added Dragon Souls obtained from Ender Dragons that were hit with the Dark Scythe during fight Added new gems and ores: Ruby, Sapphire, Citrine, Zircone, Tourmaline and Onyx Removed the void particles Fixed the command /reloadskin Fixed skins, voting and login for players that changed their name on Fixed some color issues with the Achievement widget (When you ticked achievements as watched) Fixed ender dragons bounding boxes. You can now attack them with projectiles again. Fixed entity senses sometimes getting stuck in a state were they receive no updates, causing mobs not to recognize players any longer Fixed empty spawn eggs getting consumed by dispenser Achievements on the ingame achievement list are hiding the progress bar when completed Fixed some glitches when wearing the Agility Cape Fixed a bug that allowed players to get free items from NPCs under certain conditions. Fixed a bug that caused the mobkill stat not to go up on 1-hit mob kills Fixed a few bugs with tombstone waypoints not loaded properly on login Fixed the stat for crafting items (on workbench) not getting updated correctly (Stat was increased multiple times ore not all sometimes) Fixed a bug that caused the log file getting flooded when Swets fired their particle animation. (Causing fps drops) Fixed a bug that caused PigSlayers particle effects throwing errors (Writes a lot of text to log files, caused fps drop) |
6.1 | Mar 31, 2015 | Update 6.1 is here. Mining World got reset.
Patchnotes Brought PetRocks to life New mobs: 'Eye of Ender' and 'Flesh Lich' will now spawn in your basement. WATCH OUT! Buttons can now be placed on the ceiling and ground so you can stumble upon them. Added a new ingame World Map (Work in progress). You can open it by setting up the keybinding in controls Its is a server*side map that can show warps/mobs/waypoints/party members.
This will use up some additional resources on your computer and some bandwith. Don't enable it if you have bad internet or a slow computer! The more players enable this options the faster the whole worlds will be completed on the map Added invisible pressure plates and traps (Creative only). Added Fortune enchant bonus to Zanite and Ambrosium Onyx Ore can no longer be silktouch'd Onyx Ore drops changed to 1 gem per ore, no fortune or mcmmo extras Fixed a bug that prevented Premium 5 & 6 to repair higher than level 48 on the anvil Fixed a repair bug on the Anvil that lowered an high*enchantment level if both input items had an high*level enchant with same level (eff. 8 diamond pick + eff 8 diamond pick resulted in eff 5 diamond pick, whereas eff. 7 + eff 8 would have resulted in eff. 8 on the output) Fixed red sandstone slabs instantly breaking Fixed likely dupe glitches with floating blocks (Gravitite Block / Blocks rightclicked with gravitite tools) Fixed double "Not allowed to /tp" messages Fixed enderdragon resetting when fighting while server is shutting down Removed anaglyph render mode. Removed a lot of dead video options. Fixed the animated terrain/items/water/lava etc. video options Fixed the Fancy/Normal/Fast video options profiles. Tweaked the item/terrain texture loader, loads twice as fast now. (When starting game/changing resource pack) Fixed a few issues with the launcher sometimes not showing accounts/skins/news Fixed the Inventory Tweaks GUI not showing all options (opens with ... in your inventory) Made creepers derp out even more |
6.1B | Apr 28, 2015 | * Upgrades to the launcher
(More features will be listed later) |
6.2 | May 14, 2015 | * Updated the bukkit server to full 1.8, added back a lobby server
This drastically reduces the maximum amount of damage arrows can do
(currently only works for premiums, supposed to be available to all players)
6.2B | May 17, 2015 | * Bat spawners now also work above y 62
This also fixes a few cases where you glitch into a block when moving
Vanilla mode changes:
6.3 | Jun 03, 2015 | * Refactored the database, mobs and playerfiles to use player IDs instead of usernames
6.3B | Jun 06, 2015 | New Boss Areana has been released
All credit goes to Arbr, Luke, Hotpot, Pig, Joyman, Caity, MrHotPringles, MrGoldGames, Rocksox, Randoro, Term (/warp arena)
6.4 | Jun 16, 2015 | Added new Rings and Amuletts: Citrine, Onyx, Ruby, Sapphire, Tourmaline and Zircon
Villager trading has been revamped Improved the controls and macro screen Improved the loot you can find in Supply Crates Increased the time it takes to disenchant items with enchantments Reduced the amount of netherstars dropped by the Wither Skeleton Boss Reduced the XP you can get from Onyx, Tourmaline and several other items Bonemeal now fails a lot more often on the higher grade crops (Chili, Rice, Corn) Made all fonts but the chat-line font fixed to fix layout problems Added one new hat effect Made ambrosium blocks work on the disenchanter Infusement altars and Seed mutators are protected by regions now Infusement altars and Seed mutators can now be LWC'd Following enchantments no longer show their level: Silktouch, Aqua Affinity, Infinity, Depth Strider The unbreaking enchantment no longer works on: Hammer of Notch, Cloudstaff and chargeable swords F3 now shows the name of your graphics card Reduced memory usage of Minimap/Worldmap Lowered memory usage of texture (by getting rid of duplicate texture data in memory) Fixed a crash in the font-settings screen Fixed shiftclicking ambrosium blocks into Aether-Enchanter Fixed skins not updating (when changed on minecraft account) Fixed duplicate warp name check with '/warp create' Fixed suicide giving points in surival minigame Fixed several bugs with macros and keybinds (getting fired twice, or fired from function keys when no key was assigned) Fixed wither skeleton texture Fixed a shiftclick bug on the furnace Fixed text on message boxes not being fully centered Fixed chestshop GUI not always centering correctly when opening Fixed hat names on chest-shop messages Fixed pending-messages (offline-messages) from players and chestshops sent in wrong order Fixed McMMO not announcing level ups when having multiple level ups at once (i.e. going from 199 to 201) Fixed the monster-hunt points for Aechorplants Fixed tp-list not saving Fixed double-plants always giving herbalism xp right after placing (exploit) Fixed internal server error with essence of undeath Removed InventorySort plugin (Didn't have permission/protection checks) The launcher now has an (experimental) option to make the game start with the better of two graphics cards in your system |
6.4b | Jun 19, 2015 | * The mining world has been reset
6.4c | Jul 11, 2015 | * Added wearable capes for some skills and high scores.
6.4d | Aug 02, 2015 | * The mining world has been reset
6.4e | Sep 01, 2015 | Added /advertise command, Premium 3+ (for now)
Added /servertime command Added the ability for Moderators to give players Nicknames if they are Premium 1 +. Reduced the item values (xp you get from disenchanting) for: Netherwarts, Blazerods, Enderpearls Added a piston recipe for dark oak and other wood types Added a drop chance for "roots" to the herbalism skill (see /herbalism) Disabled item pickup for Zombies and Skeletons Fixed stacked items getting lost when using 1-9 keys to swap items into the anvil Fixed villagers first trade not always working Fixed leaves on littleblocks always dropping saplings Fixed gravel on littleblocks always dropping flint Fixed enchantment table never giving more than one enchant Fixed floating items on ground merging when they shouldn't Fixed slimes always counting as "natural" mobs after splitting Fixed hammer of notch giving XP in PvP Fixed a few bugs with warps and warp bubbles (might have affected shoplist gui warp lookups) Removed map items dropping from excavation |
6.4f | Oct 02, 2015 | * Mining world reset
6.4g | Oct 12, 2015 | * Fixed a major bug with GPU memory deallocation
This caused invisible entities, chests, littleblocks This also was a major memory leak
All region owners can modify this flag The older "Chest access" flag no longer affects chest shops The initial state of this flag was copied from the regions current "Chest Access" flag The "Chest Access" can no longer be toggled by players or helpers
With this command you can prevent beacon effects getting applied to you
6.4i | Nov 09, 2015 | Update #2:
Update #1:
6.5a | Nov 26, 2015 | * The mining world has been reset
Staff only:
6.5b | Dec 22, 2015 |
6.6 | Feb 19, 2016 |
6.8 | Mar 22, 2016 |
6.8b | Apr 30, 2016 |
7.0 | May 24, 2016 |
7.05 | May 24, 2016 |
7.1 | Aug 09, 2016 |
7.12 | Aug 14, 2016 |
7.2 | Sep 08, 2016 |
7.22 | Sep 19, 2016 |
7.23 | Sep 21, 2016 |
7.3 + 7.3b | Nov 03, 2016 |
Update 7.3b:
7.3c | Nov 15, 2016 |
7.3d | Jan 12, 2017 |
7.3e | Feb 03, 2017 |
7.4 | Feb 16, 2017 |
8.0 | Sep 07, 2017 |
8.05 | Sep 15, 2017 |
8.052 - Loot Update I | Sep 22, 2017 |
8.053 - Loot Update II | Oct 06, 2017 |
8.06 - Nether Update | Oct 14, 2017 |
8.07 - Grimlock Release | Oct 30, 2017 |
8.08 - Pirate Dungeon Update | Nov 11, 2017 |
AFK Grinding Ban | Nov 11, 2017 |
New Rule: No AFK grinding or using autoclickers to grind(including custom macros).
Xmas is Here! | Dec 01, 2017 |
8.2 - New Spawn! | Jan 01, 2018 |
8.2b - Bug fixes and preperation | Feb 20, 2018 |
8.2c Easter 2018 and Vote Update. | Mar 28, 2018 |
8.3 Crop, Hunger and Infusement Update. | May 01, 2018 |
8.31 The "oh s*** we f**ked up" patch. | May 18, 2018 |